COPECARD® Downloads

Building Resilience

Part of COPEKIT’s mission is to remove financial barriers to coping skills resources by offering both free and donated products.
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Making a paper airplane focuses attention, requires sequencing, gives a sense of accomplishment and works your hands, all which contribute to lowering stress. It also inspires a study of aerodynamics and the physical properties of paper.

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Strummin + Hummin

STRUMMIN’ & HUMMIN’ can improve –spatial-temporal reasoning, stress recovery, emotional regulation, and auditory and tactile reaction times: NOTE-BY-NOTE. Pick up an instrument and start strummin’ & hummin’.

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Here For You Cafe

Support seeking – asking for help –involves identifying the problem, what type of help is needed, who to ask, how to access them and how to apply the help given. Listening to a child helps them build these support-seeking skills. It can save a child’s life.

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Think - Keep Thinking

Concentration improves our memory, speeds up comprehension, facilitates task completion and reduces distractibility - skills which lead to better coping. Choose some concentration exercises and train your brain to think...and keep thinking.

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Hope : believing things can get better, can be resolved - promotes goal setting and problem solving. Hope also generates positive affect, the obverse of hopelessness, which helps you stay afloat amidst stress. Add HOPE to your BOAT.

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Read Aloud

Emotional literacy involves the ability to name our feelings and express them appropriately, both important coping skills - it also promotes self-esteem and self-confidence. Reading aloud to kids builds their emotional literacy.

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Cope Well Echo

Coping well with stress takes practice – and it can save your life. As child psychiatrist and trauma expert Bruce Perry says, “Resilient children are made, not born.” Pick a few coping skills and Practice, Practice, Practice.

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Knit One - Lower Stress

Knitting improves mood, math skills, concentration, hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Knitting also keeps your hands busy AND produces a handmade piece of joy! All things combined, lowers stress.

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Write Your Story

Writing helps us organize our thoughts, gives meaning to our experiences, validates the process of self-expression, and can help us feel comfortable reaching out for support when needed. Writing lets us listen to our selves…write your story.

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Hope Bucket

Hope promotes resilience by increasing distress tolerance. Motivated to keep going, we can push through pain and distress because we have hope that things can get better, that we can achieve our goals. What’s in your hope bucket?

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Draw It Out

Drawing facilitates self-expression that is language independent, using shape, color and texture to represent our experience. We make connections between things as we draw, helping us to figure out things, lower stress and improve our mood.

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Have A Plan B

Sometimes we don’t know what will help until the moment we are stressed. Practice skills when you aren’t stressed. Build yourself a custom coping skills repertoire, so that when you are stressed, you always have coping options - you have a plan B.

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